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Health & Safety Training - Interactive CD-ROMs and DVDs

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Interactive CD-ROMS

The CD-ROM enables you to train as many people as you like for a simple one-off cost.
No installation required. Runs directly from the CD-ROM.

Manual Handling in the Workplace

(Including Postage
VAT free)

Fire Warden Training

(Including Postage
VAT free)


Fire Awareness Training

(Including Postage
VAT free)


Using Display Screen Equipment

(Including Postage
VAT free)







This excellent health and safety training programme teaches you all you need to know about safe manual handling, including lifting techniques, LITE and why safe manual handling is so important to your everyday health.

Helps comply with: The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992,as amended 2002

A complete in-depth health and safety training course, to equip your employees with the knowledge they need to become a fully trained Fire Warden or Fire Marshal. Fire Warden Training covers fire prevention, organising a full evacuation, using and choosing the correct fire extinguisher, legislation and human behaviour.

Helps comply with: The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

This top selling health and safety training programme, used in over 10,000 companies, is all you need to learn about fire safety, evacuation procedures, fire extinguishers and fire awareness. The clearest and most comprehensive programme available to help you train all your staff.

Helps comply with: The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.

Help yourself and your staff avoid Repetative Strain Injuries (RSIs), headaches, eyestrain, back problems from poor posture and many other health concerns by learning how to set up work areas properly using this essential training programme.

Helps comply with: The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations.



Did you know:

A good health and safety policy need not stop you doing what you need to do or make it any more expensive

A failure to carry out risk assessments could result in an unlimited fine and 2 years imprisonment

If you have five employees
or more you must have a
written health and safety policy.

You must do risk assessments
and write down your
significant findings
even if you only have one employee.

If what you do could injure someone who is not
an employee you must do risk assessments
even if you have
no employees.

You must do an assessment
of your first aid needs
even if you only
have one employee